Or maybe entering an artwork in the Byron Arts Classic? Or finally getting round to that great poster in the tube???
Well, there only 5 more weeks till Xmas and we thought it might be a good thing to remind you not to leave it until the last minute if you wanted some custom framing… (we can also do all your printing here on a variety of lovely art and photographic paper as well as canvas).
But the good news for those who’ll do it at the last minute anyway is that we also now offer some BEAUtiful Bellini ready-mades (we’ll offer you the print if you buy one of these)…
and we also have some unique ready-mades (made by Noel here in the workshop)…
and even the little black frames for all occasions (which also come in white!)
So… see you soon @ the Centre
Noel, Sabine and Vianney