Art Journaling is a creative process of putting together colour, words, and images on a page. Unlike many other art forms it is not about the end result (although art journal pages can be stunning).
Art Journaling can be many things and an art journal can be used for multiple purposes. It can be a visual journal of your day, somewhere to try out new techniques and art materials, a space for personal exploration, or a place for wild creativity free from expectation or judgement. My art journals are all these things, and each one has evolved according to what I have needed over the years.
One of the things I love about art journaling is that because it is in a book, it can be as private as you wish. This makes it very different from working on a canvas or even paper, in that there is no expectation to hang it on a wall. Hence less pressure. I find that I feel a freedom in my art journal that I don’t feel when I work any other way.
To read a collection of reasons why I love art journaling go here. To see some of my pages go here. To view a tumblr site that shows a changing variety of art journal pages, go here.
“To be nobody~but~yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being could fight; and never stop fighting.” e. e. cummings